What is heritage tourism? (Unit 7 #ESO3 GEOGRAPHY)

What is heritage tourism?

The City of London | LearnEnglish Teens - British Council

How much do you know about Britain's history? 
YOUR TASK: Watch this video and answer the following question:

How Britain's industrial past is being used for a newer industry: tourism?

Use your own words. Post your answer HERE. Do not forget your name!


  1. They use their history in the industry to do tours and more things related to tourism.

  2. Britain's industrial past has played an important role in attracting tourists to the country's cities. Although the video only shows York, all cities have their past affecting their present. In York City, for example, the National Railway Museum shows us how the steam trains that were used in the past are a way of attracting tourists every year. This shows us how the advances created at that time are now used in museums, exhibitions, etc., in order to attract tourists interested in them, apart from the culture of Great Britain and so on.

  3. Andrea Gómez,
    the past of a city is like its identity, and many people want to know about the story of York.
    This place is a centre of cultural and historical information, in other words, when you are in York you feel that you are living in the Industrial Revolution.
    Morover, it's specially important to show the evolution of the society by elements connected to the past, and York has a lot of them like the transport, particularly barges or steam trains; museums such as York Castle; or mere streets, specially The Old Part of York.
    In conclusion, the links to the past attracts people who wants to know from where they come.


  4. Because people are interested in history and knowing what happened in the past.

  5. In the past, they used many things that nowdays are usefull for other types of things, for example the used barries to transport coal; today, these barries are use to move people for leisure. Another things are the steam trains, that became an important symbol of Britian's industrial revolution, and this is why nowdays they are in the National Railway Museum.
    The York Castle is another museum but in this case, it creates a street from the past, and people can travel back around 130 years.
    In summary, the historic part of the city attracts people, who want to know more and more things about it.

  6. Elena Hernández
    They used barries, in the past, to transport things like cool, but nowdays, these barries are used to transport for leisure. Steam trains were used in the past, and they became a great symbol of Britain´s industrial revolution, this is why today they are collected in a museum, conqreatly in the National Railway Museum; so people want to visit the old part of the city because of the streets, they are full of history. Also York castle is a museum that creates a street from the past, so that makes people the opportunity to travel 130 years ago.

  7. Danie Bermejo: Our ancestros, used many things that now a datos are useful yo our society. Many monuments are so visited , because the tourism are interested un this thypes of ancient things that are amazing

  8. A lot of industrial things like barges are used now for leisure and some canals have became a place for cafes, restaurants and art galeries. Also steam trains are now part of the industrial history, that´s why there are special museums for this machines, for people to see them. People like to know what where streets like in those years, that´s why there is a recreation of a street in the past in a museum. Nearly everything that hapened in this city has being recreated or used for another thing, making people want to visit it and increasing tourism.

  9. Antonio Cabezas
    There are many objects and places of the Industrial Revolution that are difficult to find nowadays and in this city people go to visit them to feel like at that time, some inventions such as the railway are exhibited in museums so that people can see them, others Places of the time that are still preserved are used so that people put stores in that area and people visit that part of the city.

  10. Antonio Cabezas

    There are many objects and places of the Industrial Revolution that are difficult to find nowadays and in this city people go to visit them to feel like at that time, some inventions such as the railway are exhibited in museums so that people can see them, others Places of the time that are still preserved are used so that people put stores in that area and people visit that part of the city.

  11. Tourism has changed a lot over time. Before, canals were used for the transport of goods and now they are used for leisure with cafes, restaurants and art galleries. Another important thing were the steam trains, which were great symbols of Britain's industrial past, that's why they are in National Railway Museum.
    Tourists also like to go to York because it has a museum that recreates the streets as if they were 130 years ago. Thanks to this type of museums we can know how life was a century ago, and this also means an economic growth in this town.

  12. Celeste González6 May 2020 at 03:00

    New York has many historical places. Steam trains were great symbols for the industrial past, so they restored them to the former glory. Also there is the first ever recreated street in the world, built in 1938. It recreates the past.

  13. Rocío Vicho Vega12 May 2020 at 10:46

    Britain's industrial past attract tourists every year. In York city, the steam trains that were used in the past are now in the National Railway Museum.

  14. Aimar Duque López10 June 2020 at 16:53

    The heritage tourism in UK is based on the industrial revolution, as locomotives or streets from that time. It is located in York, a city of UK.


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