Mindfulness, back health and Posture
We must spend sitting around six hours everyday at school. Good posture is key to our back health and it involves training our body to sit properly in a comfortable position where the least strain is placed on supporting muscles and ligaments while remaining seated. It is the starting point to develop any kind of relaxation activities and attention focus. Sitting properly in a comfortable position connects us to the present and makes our body and mind healthier and mind-fuller.
What is the best sitting position?
•keeping feet flat or rest them on the floor.
•avoiding crossing knees or ankles.
•maintaining a small gap between the back of the knees and the chair. •positioning knees at the same height or slightly lower than the hips. •placing ankles in front of the knees.
•relaxing the shoulders.
Good posture involves not only training your body to sit properly but also to stand, walk, and lie in positions where the least strain is placed on supporting muscles and ligaments during these activities too.
Info: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/4485-back-health-and-posture
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