Data Never Sleeps: How much data is generated everyday?


Andrea Gómez Pacheco's Opinion on the Topic

Mª Irene Prieto González #ESO1 I have found these data very interesting because the number of people who use the Internet is impressive.



  1. Alejandro García Garrido5 November 2020 at 10:50

    Un my opinion, this is very scary in part, but, in the other hand, It helps us to found our necessaries quicker.

  2. Jesús Ovejero Moreno5 November 2020 at 11:18

    Jesús Ovejero Moreno 4C
    Imagine that ¡billions of people! are connected to the internet at the same time makes my head explode. Also, It makes us think that we are not alone in the world and that thousands, even millions of people may be doing the same as us right now.

  3. Pablo Pacheco Penis5 November 2020 at 23:54

    That type of information is very worrying, but in my case is not that type of excesife use, for example most of those apps, I don't use them for example I don't have tiktok, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
    The only one that I use a lot is YouTube.

  4. I find the time we spend on our phones / tablets worrying because we are more in front of a screen than with our family and friends

  5. Leire García García7 November 2020 at 03:48

    In the infographic, I observe the data of social networks in 2020 and the increase in their use compared to other years.
    I observe that social networks that help to communicate are the most used, due to the pandemic. They have helped people to be together virtually.

  6. I see th infographic and I say in my mind our time is gold. We have to be with our families but how can we still help the people who are going through this alone. So I thank that this is a goood action.

  7. Gloria González Skender8 November 2020 at 02:10

    In my opinion it is a little bit worrying brcause now a days we use more the technology. And also, in our freetime we use technology instead of going out dor to meet our friends. In the other hand it is a good idea to focus in the technology because is in what is based the future.

  8. This infographic makes me see that people depend a lot on the internet and especially on mobiles and new technologies

  9. Miguel Muñoz Bartolomé8 November 2020 at 03:12

    I think this is very amazing as internet has become part of our lifes in such a huge way. Also is very surprising the fact that thousand of people are doing the exact thing as you at the same time.

  10. Darío Curiel Rodríguez8 November 2020 at 03:34

    In the infographic, I see that so many people, more than 5 or six millions, are connected to any social network, uploading videos, photos, seeing videos, fims and series, talking in some social networks and some more things.
    I observe, that the social networks had be increased many instead of other years, because of the pandemic, in their houses, the people used them to communicate and to be united.
    I think that it is a very good tool, if it is used carefully.

  11. Darío Curiel Rodríguez8 November 2020 at 03:40

    In the infograohic, I see that thousands of millions of persons are connected every minute, uploading photos, seeing videos, films and series, talking using the social networks...
    So, I think that it is a very helpful and good tool, for communicate, to know that we are no alone in our social group and to be near the persons we have a frendship...
    Also, I think that during the lockdonw in the pandemic, we used these social nettworks more, for be near tthe persons we want to be near, but throug social networks.
    My personal comment abuot them are that they are so really good, but if it is use carefully.

  12. In the infograohic, I see that thousands of millions of persons are connected every minute, uploading photos, seeing videos, films and series, talking using the social networks...
    So, I think that it is a very helpful and good tool, for communicate, to know that we are no alone in our social group and to be near the persons we have a frendship...
    Also, I think that during the lockdonw in the pandemic, we used these social nettworks more, for be near tthe persons we want to be near, but throug social networks.
    My personal comment abuot them are that they are so really good, but if it is use carefully.

  13. Darío Curiel Rodríguez8 November 2020 at 03:43

    In the infograohic, I see that thousands of millions of persons are connected every minute, uploading photos, seeing videos, films and series, talking using the social networks...
    So, I think that it is a very helpful and good tool, for communicate, to know that we are no alone in our social group and to be near the persons we have a frendship...
    Also, I think that during the lockdonw in the pandemic, we used these social nettworks more, for be near tthe persons we want to be near, but throug social networks.
    My personal comment abuot them are that they are so really good, but if it is use carefully.

  14. clara campos portillo8 November 2020 at 03:55

    Sometimes I think that we abuse social networks and the internet a lot, but it is part of our life and the internet is here and we have to make use of it, but not abuse

    1. Good use and not abuse, that's an excellent idea!

  15. Carla Rufo Galán8 November 2020 at 04:27

    In my opinion, this is a little bit dangerous because we are depending a lot in new technologies, and I think that is more important to spend time with our family and friends than in front of a screen, but also, It can be usefull for us to find our necessities faster.

  16. Andrea Gómez Pacheco8 November 2020 at 05:36

    It’s amazing how our personal lives and privacy have become into a data or a number. In other words, we spent hours telling to a device which are my pleasures, who is my boyfriend and where I live. And the question is, what happens with all of that information about us? Well, the fact that we get every single thig so quickly and easily come up due to everyhting that makes us be ourselves, it is a simple number generated by a computer with the purpose of offering us products.
    In conclusion, in one hand it is the reality of our lackness of privacy, but in the other hand we have the aspect of our resolved life.
    So then, now we have to ask ourselves what we prefer.

  17. Lucia Polo Garcia9 November 2020 at 07:14

    In my opinion,I think that is a little bit dangerous becouse you are showing to a lot of people what are you doing in this moment and i think is more important pass time with your friend and the family and not all the time in front of a screen.

  18. That's on part scary! I knew more or less how many people used internet but never imagined that big numbers! imagine if we spend that time everyone into making better our lives or helping an ONG. We should think a little on helping the world instead on social media... WE ARE THE FUTURE!

  19. Alejandro Barriga Lozano 1ºC9 November 2020 at 12:33

    In this infography I can see the data of all the people that is using the social networks, it's amazing!
    In part, it is good, because the internet help us to learn more things, but it can be a little bit dangerous and addictive.
    My opinion is that we have to controllate us to make it safe and enjoy it.

  20. Rocío Vicho Vega9 November 2020 at 15:45

    This infographic shows us the amount of people in this world that use the internet every minute for almost everything, for example to order dinner or send a message. Due to the health crisis that we are suffering now, this kind of apps are being used a lot, trying to avoid going out of home. This graphic also make me realise how much time and money we are spending on Internet, but it also makes me think about how much money this apps are making and how big this companies are.

  21. Julen Román Cobos10 November 2020 at 07:12

    We do not imagine everything that happens through a screen, how our life has a minimum of meaning on the Internet. Although we are more important than we think. A click has more importance than we give it. A visualization can be more supportive than we think. There are millions of websites to discover, thousands of hours of content to enjoy, millions of paragraphs to learn. And we still think that the Internet is nothing and less...

  22. It’a a bit scary, we should be worried because of being lot of time in front of a screen instead of with our family or friends. But we can find easily information too.

  23. Aimar Duque López10 November 2020 at 13:22

    In this inphograph, we can observed that new technologies are being used more over the pass of the time. This can be influyed by the popluation that is growing or people that are getting used to the future of the society. To my mind, in the future, we will be using this technologies and new discoverments for our benefict. On the other hand, it can be also a double-edged sword because some people are getting adicted to the screens, so it can develop pshicollogical illnesses in their mind. However, in 2020, social network has help us to stay connected to our beloved.

  24. Jorge Cuño Fernández ESO111 November 2020 at 08:19

    The infographic made me see how much I use the social networks in one minute .Is very interesting and impressive.
    Goodbye , have a good afternoon."

  25. ESO1: Guillermo Sánchez González12 November 2020 at 07:34

    This inphograph is so beautifull , I think that is very helpful.
    Bye bYe, Guillermo

  26. That information don,t surpised my because I know that the apps are very afictive I know a los of people adicted because if that this information don't surprise my.

  27. Elena Martín Cava12 November 2020 at 10:17

    In the infograophic, I can see thousand and thousand people using networks ,it's amazing!
    I think that it is a very good tool, because you can find information about the pandemic or other information and you can learn more things, but it is a little bit dangerous and it can be so addictive.

  28. Afra Barca Vázquez: Well, it seems to me that we spend too much time on social networks and mobile phones and we shouldn't spend so much time, that's my opinion

  29. Ángela Quijada Collado14 November 2020 at 01:23

    In my opinion it is a very big quantity of reproductions, messages, photos... but it is because this apps or programs are used in almost all the world and now a days most of the people used it. The Internet have help us to be comunicate during the lockdown, for example. But also I think that we used a lot the Internet and we spend so many hours infront of a screen.

  30. I think that the number of users represented in the graphic is really big and that’s good because all that people can communicate and share knowledge, but in contrast, we don’t know how much personal information we are giving to the webpages we use

  31. Diana García Fidalgo ESO 3C14 November 2020 at 02:22

    Looking at this infograph we can't avoid thinking about the huge place the Internet occupies in our lives. It hasn't been so long since the Internet was invented, and there are already lots of apps, webs and online content that help us everyday and that we couldn't imagine ourselves without. Even if you're not so much into the latest technology, you have to make the effort to use it, because if not, you would be completely isolated from what happens in the world. This is our future and we can't help it. The key is only using it when necessary and not spending so much time connected, not to forget the real life meetings, the people surrounding us, our loved ones, both the happy and sad moments of life and what makes us special.

  32. Lydia Martín Tejedor15 November 2020 at 08:27

    On one hand, I think that the number is very high and worrying because we spend the greatest part of our time with technology and social networks. But on the other hand, I think that using social networks is good because we can communicate with people who are far away.

  33. It does not seem right to me that all these companies have our data, our data would only have to be ours, because in the end they will have us so controlled that they will even know where we are at all times

  34. Alberto García Nieto15 November 2020 at 09:14

    It is unbelievable how many people are using the applications. I knew there were a lot of people but I didn’t know there that much , with all this information. I think humans can’t live with these applications, like WhatsApp, Netflix, YouTube.... It’s a pity. We are doing something wrong.

  35. Celeste González15 November 2020 at 11:27

    What this infograph is trying to show us, is the apps used by the population of all around the world in this 2020. As I can see the rate of almost all of the apps have raised because of this pandemic. I understand why this has increased: the virtual relationship between friends, teachers, the videocalls for resolving doubts of things that students couldn't understand and teachers were trying to help them, etc. But I hope that this won't increase because of ADDICTION.

  36. I find like really shoking that the information that flows on the internet is so big. I knowe that it was quiet a lot but not as much and that is impressive.

  37. Irene Merayo Urbano16 November 2020 at 10:59

    I find this graph really impressive, because I think no one actually realizes the amount of activity that is going on all the time on the internet. It is amazing the fact that more than 40 million of text messages are sent through WhatsApp. Although I know we are many people in the world, I would've never expected it to be that big of a number. Also, this quantities are probably increasing by seconds, because we are using the internet more and more, and I think this is something that must change.

  38. Irene Merayo Urbano16 November 2020 at 11:03

    I find this graph really impressive, because I think no one actually realizes the amount of activity that is going on all the time on the internet. It is amazing the fact that more than 40 million of text messages are sent through WhatsApp. Although I know we are many people in the world, I would've never expected it to be that big of a number. Also, this quantities are probably increasing by seconds, because we are using the internet more and more, and I think this is something that must change.

  39. Marta Esteve Ramírez16 November 2020 at 14:10

    I think this grafic is really impresive because I didn’t knew that we spent so many hours in front of our movile phones or our computers.
    I think that in one way it is good because we comunicate whith long distante friends througt some apps or watch moovies with our friends but on the other hand it is not really good to spend so many hours in front of our movile phones while we could be hanging out with our friends or studing.

  40. Marina Luna Ollero19 November 2020 at 11:33

    I am amazed!! I knew that the internet is very used day by day, but I would never imagine that much. There are thousand and thousand million of people in the world, and a high percentage of them have social medias. So it is normal that an amount of data is uploaded every day. I can't understand how are we connected that easily, it kinda scares me because they have A LOT of data of all of us, even this I am writting. The internet have to be extremely big to storage that much of data, how is it possible? Now I will click PUBLISH and the internet will have other small piece of data to guard.

  41. Daniel Bermejo Mena20 November 2020 at 13:14

    It's increible how we depend on Inthernet now a days and the forma we have improved our lives , thinking that in this Moment milliones of peopleatr doing the same that me.

  42. Carla Sánchez Marcos22 November 2020 at 02:38

    The Internet can be very dangerous but also is very usseful.

  43. Afra Barca Vázquez ESO122 November 2020 at 06:49


  44. Alvaro Chaves Fernandez24 November 2020 at 09:29

    It is fantastic the number of individuals are utilizing the applications. I knew there were many individuals however I didn't know there that much ,

  45. I've been watching this infograph during a pair of minutes and I'm amazed. I knew that a lot of data was sent every second but I never imagined this huge quantity. Furthermore, I only use 4 or 5 of these apps, but I know there are many people in the world and they are using them.

  46. It is quite incredible to think about how many people like you are in an app, it is something to think about in the huge amount and information that is generated every day, and at all hours. If we think about it at this time, there may be millions of things, of information being created.

  47. It is quite incredible to think about how many people like you are in an app, it is something to think about in the huge amount and information that is generated every day, and at all hours.

  48. Carla Olivenza Marín2 December 2020 at 11:03

    It's amazing all the time we spend in front of a screen, for teenagers it is essential that they have something to disconnect with. It is a new world for us and we just want to explore it, but sometimes we spend the hours there are people who stay all night with the mobile / computer and that is bad because we do not get enough rest and these statistics affirm it.

  49. Paula Bote Andrada (2 ESO C)3 December 2020 at 09:39

    When I looked at this infografic for the first time I found the fact that people use internet that much really shocking. We spend too much time using technological devices and in my opinion, the internet can be a very good place to learn or comunicate with other people, but we also must lower our daily screen time. Because, think about how much time you spend using your mobile phone or computer everyda. It is a lot, right?
    Our lives wouldn't be the same without the internet. Not better or worse, but definetly different.

  50. Clara Díaz López3 December 2020 at 10:25

    I think we should pay more attention to the real world than the internet because when a loved one is missing you will not be able to see him or be connected with him / her through the internet (for example). But on the other hand the internet is very useful. So at the end I think it is a good network but we cannot abuse it.

  51. It has surprised me since the time we spend with new technologies is impressive, whether playing, working ... from my point of view this makes us more isolated and more independent, we go out less, etc.

  52. Claudia González Bermejo
    I think this graffic is so impressive, .How many people like you are in a app at the same time. I didn´t realise that we spend so much time with tecnology, on one I think is worrying, because at that time you could be doing other kid of things. On the other hand .I think it´s neccesary to communicate with other people that live far away from you.
    In conclusion I think that is you make a good use of technology, it could be very ussesful, but it also could be very dangerous.

  53. Antonio Cabezas Rivadeneyra5 December 2020 at 00:15

    Antonio Cabezas Rivadeneyra
    Nowadays most of the people depend on the social media,that has afecten a lote but also improved our lives , In conclusion I think that we are entering on a new Revolution and un the future, this period if time is going to be written en the history books

  54. I think some people use a lot Internet and It is good to use It only if It is for an appropiate use, like searching information or newspapers. It is easy to be addict to social networks because they are desinged to be addictive and they have algorithms to show you only information that is interesting to you.

    Héctor Jiménez Fernández.

  55. In my opinion the people use so much internet and in one hand is good to see internet because you have more information quickly and you can have all the information of all the cities of the world and in another hand is not good to use so much internet because you can ' t have a relationship with your friends and with your family

  56. Adrián González Pérez10 December 2020 at 12:01

    It is very worrying because instead of taking advantage of our time doing things better than watching a screen, we spend many hours in front of the screens and they can cause us psychological problems

  57. Víctor Polo Redondo.

    In my opinion a lot of people use these platforms instead of expend time in the outside with their friends and their family.

  58. In my opinion this information tells us that the Internet is globally expanded, I think that is dangerous if you used it wrong.

  59. It is incredible how more than two thousand people upload tiktok every minute

  60. Clara Campos Portillo6 June 2022 at 11:25

    It is true that the numbers are very big and exaggerated, but nowadays technology is present 24 hours a day. All the news lately is on the Internet and almost very few people read it on paper, so these numbers are sadly very common.

  61. CLARA CAMPOS PORTILLO7 June 2022 at 09:46

    It is true that the numbers are very big and exaggerated, but nowadays technology is present 24 hours a day. All the news lately is on the Internet and almost very few people read it on paper, so these numbers are sadly very common.

  62. CLARA DÍAZ LÓPEZ7 June 2022 at 09:47

    It suggest me that we neveer stop with the apps like instagram,facebook,netflix... and it creates a lot of data in order to create and suggest more apps for us.

  63. ÁNGEL MANUEL GARCÍA GARRIDO7 June 2022 at 09:48

    It suggests me that there's a lot of data is currently travelling through the web, tons of information from hundreds of thousand or even million people are at the moment circulating in the internet, and I think that is excessive, it is like if we didn't had more of our privacy.

  64. ÁNGELA QUIJADA7 June 2022 at 09:48

    It is amazing the number of minutes we all spend into the different apps or online programs; but also we have to take into account that aroung the Earth we are millions of people which almost everyone have access into Internet. This apps have started been part of our daily life changing lots of aspect in our lifestyle but we have to control who many hours we spend in front of a screen.

  65. Noa Durán Casares8 June 2022 at 15:19

    Looking at the image, we can see that thanks to the pandemic, many apps that were hardly used before are now much better known. On the one hand, sometimes it is a bit scary to think what is behind a screen. Every click, every message, every like is recorded. As social networks are now more used there are many more people who suffer from cyberbullying. On the other hand, the use of the Internet can help us in many factors of our lives, like from school.

  66. María de las Nieves Canales González8 June 2022 at 15:20

    It’a a bit scary, we should be worried because of being lot of time in front of a screen instead of with our family or friends. But we can find easily information too.

  67. Adrián González Pérez8 June 2022 at 15:21

    This infograph suggest me that we can use technology if we make a good use of them but that if we use them inappropriately they can be dangerous. For instance, as we can see in the infograph, each minute consumers spend 1.000.000$ online.

  68. I´ts very interesting but also very surprising and how much data there is, but the internet its part of our live, may be we should live more the reality and not all the time with the phone...

  69. In my opinion, this is a very worrying situation, we are spending hours and hours connected to the Internet. We all need to have a criteria and selfregulate hour use of the movile phone.

  70. Paula Bote Andrada15 June 2022 at 16:33

    Paula Bote Andrada
    11 jun
    I still feel the same way as I did two years ago. The time spent by everybody nowadays on the internet is a lot, but these big numbers are no longer that surprising. Over the last decade, we've got used to living attached to our phones and being affected by algorithms that provide us with inmediate and addictive content to keep our attention. We live in an era in which information travels rapidly and things happen so fast it is almost overwhelming; and it's pretty concerning.


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