Agreeable and Disagreeable Feelings and Emotions #ProyectoMenteJoven #Mindfulness

Agreeable and Disagreeable Feelings and Emotions

In your life (and in mine too) we experience all kinds of feelings and emotions as a reaction to what is going on in our lives. Emotions, which are sometimes difficult and painful (such as insecurity, sadness, loneliness, fear, and other disagreeable emotions). However, we also experience very pleasant and happy feelings (for example, when you fall in love, when you feel loved by a friend or a family member, or if you have a huge sense of self-confidence, etc.). 

Being nice or unpleasant, feelings vary, like the rain and the sun. We cannot avoid them but what we can actually do is avoiding to stop crawling through them, without letting them out or denying them. 

This is all about not getting dragged or kidnapped by those unpleasant, disagreeable feelings. 

What is more: it is equally important to acknowledge the pleasant or unpleasant feelings. We experience sadness, disappointment, or are overwhelmed by very strong emotions. We are not alone in that although sometimes it may seem to us we are. BUT WE ARE NOT.

In experiencing and acknowledging feelings or situations that are happening in our lives, e always have the same option: EITHER I close my heart and mind OR I open myself to those feelings and face them, no matter if they are agreeable or disagreeable feelings.

What is really important is to learn to accept and experience your feelings as they are, to learn to notice them, to identify them, to recognise them, to open up to them and to perceive where you feel them in your body.

This text (as well as the form below) is based on Alberto Reviriego's work for "Mente Joven" Project

Watch the following video. We are going to breath in and out! 


  1. Pablo Luis Muñoz12 February 2021 at 10:39

    I think that the activity is important to feel you better. I recommend you the activity.

  2. Andrea Gómez Pacheco14 February 2021 at 04:12

    It's important to take a breath and to eject the concerns via the expelled air.
    Moreover, it's vitally necessary to focus on our unpleasant feelings and not to surround them like if they doesn't exist.

  3. Aimar Duque López18 February 2021 at 10:22

    I've done this activity and I can say I feel better after some deep breaths and reflect any problem I had in the past. My experience could approve a recomendation for this wonderful activity to free the soul in only a few minutes.

  4. I think sometimes is important to take a brake and have a time of calm in your life, even if you aren't stressed. I felt this exercise helped me a lot because I'm quite anxious because if my exams and taking a moment for relaxation helps to clear your mind..

  5. I think that the 'Breathing activity' is a very good technique for relaxing you body, specificly your mind. I recommend you this activity in yours little dificults moments of each day.

  6. "I recommend the activity completely, because I think its very important to relax yourself, and this method applied before an exam can help you yo relax and concentrate more on the exam."

  7. Rocío Vicho Vega22 February 2021 at 14:41

    I have really enjoyed this exercise, I think its important to relax sometimes and to think about one´s emotions. I am more calm now and concious about my feelings.

  8. Adrián González Pérez23 February 2021 at 08:49

    I recommend this activity because it is very important to stay calm because you will feel better

  9. This is a very good relaxation method to try when you are feeling upset or want to feel better. It has helped me to be less worried about some things I had in my mind.


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