CREATION OF A COLLECTION OF POEMS: #SolidarityPOETRYProject AT IES AL-QÁZERES (STAGE 1) #inspiration #creativity
Fco. Darío Caballero ESO3
To live in unity
and express our pride,
to support our community
and protest until we are satisfied.
To treat people with kindness
and strengthen our bonds,
let the world be our witness
when we have the courage that corresponds.
And when our ways merge
may we collaborate in fellowship
aiming for the problems that urge.
Sofía Vasco ESO3
When the unity was broken
and philosophy was forgotten,
smiles faded,
sympathy ended,
we became selfish,
and empathy ended too.
The harmony of society ended
but humanity finally realised that
if they worked jointly
and they managed to collaborate
with generosity and sincerity,
the equality, prosperity and normality
would return,
and they would be a junction again.
Unity is the key
for reaching equality
all as society
we’re changing humanity.
To injustice we protest
to show our respect
and the gratitude we express
to supportless worriments.
In the life's philosophy
the sorrows are fragile harmonies
that easily could be destroyed
by solid liberation armies.
In the spirit of the tolerance
sometimes you've to look for the coherence
since stressing and foolish words,
are not pledges of goodwill supports.
Aimar Duque, ESO4
We all have dignity, then we talk about equality,
But the respect should be commonality,
This aspect is worthy of responsibility,
It’s a pity that a city lacks of this ability,
Or maybe the disability of disconnect of this temerity,
This makes the disrespect of a infinity community,
Lead to reject the charity due to polity.
I don’t pray to the saint and I am not a saint of his devotion,
People should have a little bit more compassion,
With the union and alliance, raise our passion,
About the chance of everyone’s participation,
These texts are unexpected,
better than un-expressed,
Only with a balance dance with advance could reach this relevance
I’m a person, not a character, more a message than intolerance.
I saw the the peace intimacy of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the camaraderie.
Does the camaraderie make you shiver?
does it?
How happy is the extraordinary empathy!
Are you upset by how ordinary it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the empathy so phenomenal?
Pay attention to the selflessness,
Selflessness is the most zany cooperation of all.
Does selflessness make you shiver?
does it?
Jesús Ovejero ESO4
We can support those who are suffering.
We can create organisations to the most needy.
We can liberate people who are lonely.
We must be inclusive with those that seem scary.
We cannot sell ourselves in exchange for our dignity.
We can join as an association of brothers.
We can not disrespect someone.
We can not tolerate injustice.
Because we can take side of our lives
& be generous to those who have a hard time.
Pay attention to disrespect,
disrespect is the most shameless regard of all.
Never forget the unashamed and unblushing disrespect.
Pay attention to the decency,
decency is the most instinctive rectitude of all.
Now natural is just the thing,
To get me wondering if decency is self-generated.
I cannot help but stop and look at the cunning steadfastness.
Solidarity is, in its way, the genuine gratitude of commonness.
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