Theseus and the Minotaur: a bit of fresh air and mythology, by Susana González #ESO1

This is a bilingual post - Esta entrada del blog se encuentra redactada tanto en español como en inglés.  

Theseus and the Minotaur

A bit of fresh air, for a change and Greek mythology, thanks to our #ESO1 history teacher, Susana González Prado.

Theseus, a genuine Greek hero of the Mythology and Minotaur, one of the most devastating and terrifying monsters are the main protagonists of a myth that involves gods and monsters, heroes and kings and two of the main city–states in the Hellenic world: Athens and Crete.

SPANISH: La historia de Teseo y el Minotauro es una de las favoritas de nuestros alumnos, cuando hablamos de los mitos de la antigua Grecia. 


The story of Theseus and the Minotaur is one of the favourites story of our students, in terms of ancient Greece Mythology.


Enclaustrados como estamos por esta pandemia, que no acaba de marcharse, nos pareció buena idea salir al patio y abandonar nuestro propio laberinto y allí, bañados por el tibio sol de febrero, resolver enigmas y trabajar en equipo. 

ENGLISH: Many of us may feel claustrophobic as a side effect of this pandemic. Hence, it seemed like a good idea to go out to the playground for a different lesson so our students sunbathed in the warm February sun at the same time they solved puzzles and work as a team.

SPANISH: Hubo un premio para el que fuera capaz de desentrañar un acertijo y todos disfrutamos aprendiendo de una manera diferente. 

ENGLISH: There was a prize for those who were able to figure out. We all enjoyed learning in a different way

SPANISH: Aquí os dejamos algunas imágenes. - Here you have some pictures so that you can figure out how enjoyable the lesson was.

CAPTION in English: Here is Miguel, the Great winner showing his prize! Congratulations, Miguel, great job!

SPANISHMiguel, el vencedor de nuestro acertijo, con su premio.


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