Estimada Comunidad Educativa,
¿Cómo podríamos ayudar a forjar un mundo con igualdad de género? Para el 8 de marzo desde 2ºESO C, hemos decidido desafiaros pues quizá desde el reto surge el cambio. Así que elijamos desafiar a la desigualdad. Entre todos y entre todas podemos conseguirlo, de manera conjunta, colectiva.
Planteamos en este vídeo varios retos que desafían los estereotipos y las tendencias preestablecidas en tan solo 3 minutos.
Celebremos visibilizando los logros de las mujeres. Sensibilicémonos contra los prejuicios. Actuemos en pro de la igualdad. Quizá podemos empoderar hoy a una mujer de nuestro entorno con una sonrisa, con unas palabras sinceras, con agradecimiento, sin prejuicios, acompañándola en la lucha por la igualdad.
Por último en este vídeo encontraréis los retos que planteamos de cara a conseguir el objetivo número 5 de la agenda 2030: Igualdad de género.
Si tenéis interés en conocer qué estamos trabajando en la asignatura de literacy en cada grupo para el 8 de marzo, aquí resumo:
Entre el alumnado de todos los grupos del Programa hemos diseñado un PODCAST MUY ESPECIAL para Onda Al-Qázeres (RadioEdu).
En 1ºC estamos implementando una actividad creada por la profesora de inglés Laura Fernández Borrella en la que trabajamos un emotivo poema de la activista y poetisa Amanda Gorman, conjugando el Día de la Mujer con el Proyecto de Poesía Solidaria en el que también estamos participando desde el Programa British Council.
En 3ºC, tras el visionado de unos vídeos de la actriz y fundadora de HeForShe, Emma Watson, hemos trabajado con un proyecto cuyo producto final es un póster creado con los resultados de un pequeño cuestionario sobre igualdad.
Esta semana escucharemos a una poetisa oral llamada Anisa Nandaula, escritora de teatro, educadora con un maravilloso poema oral sobre lo que realmente significa elegir el desafío.
Por su parte, Raquel Pacheco, nuestra profesora de literacy en 3ºC también trabajará durante esta semana en favor de la promoción de igualdad de género, dando visibilidad al impuesto rosa y a la brecha salarial.
En 2ºC hemos iniciado la reflexión para la actividad escuchando el reto que plantea para el British Council la popular “youtuber” Asha.
Después hemos escuchado la maravillosa poesía oral de Anisa Nandaula y posteriormente he preguntado al grupo que si aceptaban el reto que podríamos hacer algo para “correr la voz” y eligieron el vídeo como plataforma de difusión de nuestro mensaje.
En 4ºC en literacy analizaremos una serie de imágenes pertenecientes al mundo de la publicidad y cómo proyecta el mismo a la mujer. Comentaremos en clase con el alumnado diferentes aspectos:
Descripción de la imagen: lo que veo.
Comentario: lo que pienso que es y lo que opino.
Predicciones: lo que creo que pasará o porqué creo que ha pasado.
Correlación: me he visto en este tipo de situación en algún momento, conozco alguien que ha vivido esta situación. Se trata de un trabajo de la fotógrafa Eli Rezkhallah.
Yo creo que se debería visibilizar todo el esfuerzo que las mujeres hacen al igual que nosotros y hacer que la gente se de cuenta de lo que nos falta todavía por aprender.
ReplyDeleteI think we can help to change to a world of gender iquality eliminating the access sexist stimulus.
ReplyDeleteIf I were a politician, I write this because as civil persons we can't do lots of things, I would pay the same account of money to woman as to man. Then, I also will give the same opportunities to woman as to man to reach high levels in the work. To sum up, in the interviews people make to woman before they begun working, I wouldn't ask them if they are planning to have babys.
ReplyDelete- Convivir y crecer con igualdad de oportunidades en todas las áreas sociales.
ReplyDelete- Realizar actividades para fomentar la equidad de género en la escuela.
- Utilizar un lenguaje no sexista.
- Apoyar la asunción de responsabilidades por igual.
Maybe we can give an extra support for all women, because on a lot of countries less developed, women still haven't have the same rights as the men.
ReplyDeleteI think the rights between men and women should be the same and we should try to help to the less developed countries by teaching them how to treat women as men, we all do have rigths! Marriage that include little girls should be abolished and women should have for example, the right to vote, to drive or to learn as men does.
ReplyDeleteWe can help to change all the things that the society are mistaking with they
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, we can make a better world in which all the people have de same rights regardless of gender if we pay the same ammount of money for all the persons and if we make activities to show that everybody have the same oportunities and righs.
ReplyDeleteMaibe de can implement laws to support the rigths of women to be able to anyone have the same oportunities for everybody
ReplyDeleteI think we can help to change to a world of gender iquality by not using sexist language, valuing the effort of women as we value that of men.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should all be treated equally, as we are all human. We must also fight to overturn the inequality that is still present in many countries, such as the fact that young girls are still forced to marry much older men.
ReplyDeleteAlthough we are on the road to achieving gender equality, we still have a long way. We all must work together to reach full equality between men and women.
ReplyDeleteFor this, measures must be taken both at the political or government level, (such as equalizing paternity maternity leave), at a personal or individual level, each of us must include non-sexist behaviors in our conduct, (such as considering that you help your mother with household activities, the correct thing is to think that you collaborate in the tasks because they live that in that home and all the people who live in a house must collaborate in the maintenance)
Creo que lo más importante de todo es empezar a concienciar a la gente de que hombres y mujeres son iguales, ya no que un hombre por el hecho de ser hombre tenga superioridad. A partir de ahí podemos solucionar todos los problemas.
ReplyDeleteI think that for help this we need to change some actions that are mistaking our society.
ReplyDeleteI think that both, women and men should have the same rights and should treat equal without any type of discrimination
ReplyDeleteAs far as I am concerned, we should start forging a world with equality focusing on the small details that unless we pay attention to them, we won't notice them. They are tiny things we do, we say and we truly don't think twice about them, little but significant things such as the fact of the clothes or the aspect we show to the world, an aspect that shouldn't be restricted by stereotypes or trends.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I concerned, women and men have to be equally treated. We are all humans and we should have the same rights. Maybe politicians should be more aware of this issue, and perhaps it would change a little bit.
ReplyDeleteI think that we need to start treating both of them iqual and not that one has more power than the other.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should make everyone aware that we are all equal and not some better and others worse.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion we ought to make people all around the world become aware of this situation, specially in less developed countries, so that we can start changing the way society views women. Many girls in poor countries are being forced to marry much older men and to have children at a young age, which takes away from them the opportunity to learn, go to school and live a happy childhood. Moreover, all women deserve to have the same job opportunities that are offered to a man and not be criticized for choosing one that is considered not to be "girly". It all would be easier if politicians and the government started to carry out concrete actions to solve this problem, but it is also possible to sort it out if we join together and do our best.
ReplyDeleteI think the rights between men and women should be equal because we are all human. We should try to achieve the same salary, abolish the arranged marriages in less developed countries, having the same time for maternity and make aware everyone that the household activities don’t have to be done by a woman, they have to be done by any of the members of the family just because they live there.
ReplyDeleteI think that some actions that society does with respect to equality should be corrected so that in the future we will not have to celebrate Women's Day because we already have the same rights.
ReplyDeleteI think that women and men should have the same rights and that no one of them have discrimination in any thing
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion women and men ought have the same rights, even we are on the road, we still have a long way to reach gender equality. I also think that people around the world should be more concern about this situation, and work together if we want equality to be reached one day. There are a lot of womens that suffer discrimination, in her works, at home, in the street...Sometimes they are treat like objects and machines.We need this to stop and to change the view of the society about womens.
ReplyDeleteI think that educating the society is an important step. We’re all people, we’re all the same, with the same value.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion we can help by looking the mistitakes and trying to solve it.
ReplyDeleteI think that we have to change and day a day we are changing but we have to take an eford to reach that goal and I think that one day this goal is gonig to be reached and that is may opinion
Some things we can do to help the world to have more equallity for women and men are:
ReplyDelete-Stop using sexist language, since it is what shapes our reality.
-Educate children without following gender roles since the moment they are born.
-Teach people the existance of this problen and ways to solve it
-Salary equallity
-Treat women as people and not objects.
-Try to contribute in some ways to create laws so women can be independent in countries where they aren't.
In my opinion, we are on the way to reach gender equality, but there's still a lot of work to do. Mostly in less developed countries, women are seen as objects or possessions when all the people should have the same value, regardless of their gender.
ReplyDeleteIn some countries (mostly less developed ones) women are still "below" men. And in the ones where equality is being applied should keep doing it, because there is still work to do. Some examples are: to teach children equally in schools and avoid gender stereotypes.
ReplyDeleteI think that first we have to concede to people that equality between society should be, because there are still people who do not think about it and it is very important that this change and we have to keep fighting until we achieve it.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, we can make a better world in which all the people have de same rights doing actions to change that our society.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinión,que need to change by put all the rigths equally without depending on the gender
ReplyDeleteI think that to have more equality everyone should pay the same amount of money regardless of whether you are a man or a woman and have the same laws
ReplyDeleteI think that to have more equality everyone should pay the same amount of money regardless of whether you are a man or a woman and have the same laws
ReplyDeleteI believe that to have more equality everyone should pay the same amount of money regardless of whether you are a woman or a man and have the same laws
ReplyDeleteI think that all the women will have the same rights as the men in the hole world and that's how it should always have been.
ReplyDeleteI think that women and men are humans and they should have the same opportunities, rights, jobs... Have a different gender doen't means that are under.
ReplyDeleteTo my way of thinking, we must have the same rigths and duties independtly of people's genre, ethnicity and thoughts. A way to reach this equallity is to teach the soecity how to behave with respect towards someone. Also, we have to learn that always there'll be someone who is evil and wants to hurt people, but we can influce the society to have less people like that.
ReplyDeleteI think all the peopple need to be treated as we are, humans, and if women receive less money in work, the need to receive more because we are making the same men and women.
DeleteI think gender equality is something we all have to work on, speaking up when seeing an unfair treatment just because of being a woman. We can’t tolerate sexist and disrespectful comments, because that will only make them more usual and normalized. Things such as the pink tax show that we still have a long way to go, although I am glad our society is improving and we are slowly but surely taking steps. Some examples are being able to vote and having an education, which nowadays is a basic element, but, not many years ago, it was something women couldn’t do. However, there are countries where this is still a thing, and I hope that not in a long time we will be all equal, without having our human rights depending on our gender.
ReplyDeleteI think that one of the first steps for changing this is that women have to be treated equal as mens.