A Conversation about Equity in Education
Francisco Darío Caballero Román
As shown in the picture, I think justice is the fairest way to solve inequity problems, as equality only grants everyone the same resources, but it does not assure that everyone reaches the goal, and with equity everyone gets to that goal, but resources aren’t equally distributed and it might cause other problems.
Diana García Fidalgo
The first picture shows equality, as the three people watching the game are given a box to help them see everything that's going on, because there is a wooden fence in front of them, and they are all expected to benefit from it, even though one of them is so short that one box isn't enough for him. Then, equity is depicted, which means that everyone is given the amount of boxes they need to watch the game without any incovenience, but the fence is still there. Finally, justice is shown, so the fence has been replaced by another one that allows everybody to watch the match without any accomodation.
In conclusion, justice is what we should aspire to, because it removes the systemic barrier that made certain people need an extra amount of help.
Roberto González Alés
This picture shows three different aspects when being an spectator in a football match and show how reality would or can be.
Irene Merayo Urbano
I think understanding these three concepts is really important for addressing situations or just explaining ourselves, and I wish we can achieve a world in which justice is applied, so that everyone is capable of doing with they want with their different abilities, situations or conditions.
Pablo Pacheco Penis
This image how the different problems are solved, but in some cases the solution is unfair
Hugo Tinoco Arenas
I think justice does not represent the last photo. For me, it represents more the second. Between the first case and the second, I think the second is better. Sometimes, you have to help more people who need it more than others.
Clara Campos Portillo
In the first image I see how there is equality for all but there are people who do not get to achieve what they want despite that.
I think the second image is the most consistent for everyone because it gives what is needed to each one and in the last one it is the fairest and I think the one that should be applied the most.
María de las Nieves Canales González
The difference between equality and equity is that with equality justice is applied to all citizens in a uniform way, while with equity exceptions can be made, as long as the sense of impartiality is not compromised.
Clara Díaz López
No I don´t feel it, I have never see others suffering it.
Noa Durán Casares
In the image we can see how is equality, equity and justice, and what is more fair for all.
Adrián González Pérez
I am going to describe the photo saying an example of jobs.
For instance, if it was equality, all the people woud earn the same money.
In equity, the poorest people would earn more money than the richest people.
And finally in justice is how much money do you earn by doing a more important or a less important job and how do you perform it.
Gloria González Skender
In the picture below it is shown three words with their meaning; equality, equity and justice. I haven't felt any kind of inequity in my own education nor seen It.
Pablo Luis Muñoz
I think that the world needs justice because everyone has the right to do their wanted things without anyone prohibiting them.
Pablo Muñoz Milán
In the first image I would say that the opportunity is fair because everyone has the same step to climb but not everyone has the same physical height. In the second image I would say that the man who does not need the step to climb that he gives to the boy who needs it is fair and generous and in the final image no people needs help.
David Palacios Krenz
Justice seems like a good idea, but in practice, life isn't fair. So, you need to adapt to the abilities you have and knowing your limits, also know how to break them.
Víctor Manuel Polo Redondo
In the first photo all are over a box but the child can't see over the wall.
In the second photo the child has two boxes and all can see over the wall.
In the third photo there is a fence instead of a wall and all can see.
Jorge Sánchez Rosado
In these three images we can see the differents stepts that are equality equity and justice and in this case the best for all of the persons are equity because all the people see well the match
Marta Vicho Vega
I think equality I think means, all equally. Equity I think it means being all equal even if some receive more help than others and justice that everyone is equal without any help.
Unfortunately, I have seen people suffering from not having equialidqd, but luckily it has never happened to me.
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