BOOK CLUB: The Lion Becomes the King of Beasts #Chapter 21

If you had to go without one virtue, like the Lion, the Woodman, and the Scarecrow did, which would you choose? why?

Paula Bote Andrada
If I had to go without one virtue, it would probably be prudence because, although I consider it is a very important quality, compared to the rest of virtues there are (courage, kindness, wisdom, loyalty…) I think I could probably live happily without it. There are many people in the world who lack this quality and are fine, but I would not see myself without the other ones.

Clara Campos Portillo
I think that all the virtues are very important but I think that if I had to go without one it would be self-control because it is something that I think I would not need much and I think that there are other virtues that are much more important than that.

Irene Campos Portillo
I would choose the lion, because I think it is the least important virtue of all, if I lacked a brain I would not be able to think for myself and if I lacked a heart I would not know how to love people

Agustín Cortés Matas
i would choose the courage because is the less important for doing things in live but although this the three of them are very important

Clara Díaz López
If I had to go  without a virtue I would be without selfish, I think that sometimes I am a little selfish and I think that sometimes this virtue is good but most of the time it is not.

Alejandro García Garrido
I think I would choose the brain, the ability of consciousness. Have you ever seen a stupid sad? Me neither ;)

Ángel García Garrido
I think I would go without brain, as the Scarecrow, because in my opinion, feelings and courage are much more important than just thinking, although thinking is very important for analysing the logical part of a decisions, a good heart, enough courage to take that decision and most important you have to know how do you feel about that decision, if it makes you happy, if it is good for you. 

Héctor Jiménez Fernández
I would choose to have the ability to not overthink things because I do it a lot.

Pablo Luis Muñoz
I would choose to go without courage because I think that the other virtues are more important.

Ángela Quijada
I would choose the virtue of the Scarecrow. Because is very important to have a brain to think.
I would choose the Woodman’s virtue, because, for me, the most important thing in life is to enjoy it and love it. It means to love almost everything around you; your family, friends, work, where you live, your hobbies… It doesn’t only mean to fall in love with someone, it also means to live the life, because living the life means that: feel it. 


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