Literacy in Physical Education: Juggling Show. Cross-curricular Project (Physical Education and Literacy)


There is a need to literacy practices and strategies that enable individuals to understand, synthesise and communicate content knowledge within the physical education field. The literacy approach here relates to the reading, viewing, writing, speaking, and listening practices that our ESO1 students use to understand, and communicate the physical education knowledge worked on with their physical education teacher.

Raquel García Hernández, Literacy Teacher
Marina Hurtado Alvarado, Literacy Teacher and Language Advisor
Ernesto Román, Physical Education teacher

GROUP: ESO1 C group

Literacy in Physical Education

For students to develop and create meaning in physical education, they must learn to use the tools of literacy that will allow them to engage meaningfully with texts, concepts, and specific vocabulary. The very first and second parts of this Cross-curricular Project are to be carried out by the two literacy teachers implied. They will establish two lines of work:

1. VOCABULARY WORK, to provide some Scaffolding. The students were provided with short, contextualised examples of the vocabulary used and some tasks to be performed. Although vocabulary learning strategies have drawn continuous attention in language methodology, many unanswered questions remain. This challenging cross-curricular project aims to capture the vocabulary learning strategies of the diverse learners of our ESO1 class; additionally, this takes up the task of reviewing of vocabulary learning strategies within the topic of Juggling. 

2. WRITING, The second part of this cross-curricular project, starts off when the different vocabulary items have already been contextualised and the students, in groups, must create a story which must include those terms and that they will have to act out in the third part, of which the Physical Education teacher is in charge. 

Group work photogallery

Rehearsing in Literacy for Ernesto's lesson

Video credit: Raquel García Hernández 

3. PHYSICAL RESPONSE: Part three deals with SPEAKING and PHYSICAL PRACTICE. The speaking part will be assessed by the literacy teachers and the physical part, will be assessed by the Physical Education Teacher, "juggling" (if you don't mind me saying) between the use of the language and the experiential in varied contexts created by the students on their own. 

4. Rehearsal with the PE teacher

Literacy in Sport and Health Video: Explained
John Quay and Abbey Boyer


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