Building ESO4's Knowledge on the Spanish-American War with Kahoot

Last week, the ESO4 students tackled the Spanish-American War, learning about the precursors to the war, the consequential moments of the conflict, and the war's resulting effects on Spain, the Caribbean and the Pacific, and the world. 
The students began by reading an annotated text with our language assistant Jalen that presented the main points of the war. The students learned about how the people in the last vestiges of Spain's colonial empire began pushing back against the Empire right as the United States began more forcefully asserting itself in its own sphere of influence. A key aspect that the students studied included the role of U.S. popular media - artfully known as "yellow journalism" - in pushing the U.S. into the conflict. In doing so, the students reviewed prominent newspaper clippings and political cartoons, providing an idea of what the average American was reading in that era.

After Dr. Mónica Lanero ensured that the students had a good grasp of the material, the students played a Kahoot developed by Mónica and Jalen on the topic. Filled with some difficult questions, the students had fun crystalizing what they had just learnt while working in pairs. It was a close competition, but Irene and Dario just managed to squeeze the victory.


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