TPR and vocabulary work: Professions and sectors #socialscience #COTEACHING


3C students have been learning about the global economy for the last month. One of the topics is about the economic sectors that group the different economic activities and professions. This provided the opportunity to review and enlarge the vocabulary on jobs they studied in the English class long ago. 

The final activity on this topic was a competition among  four teams  made up  of six students  along  three tasks: 

    • The first task  aimed to review a great deal of jobs, matching  48 jobs to the sentences defining each and  to the  economic sector  related:  the Primary sector,- involving activities like mining, fishing, farming or forestry-,  the Secondary sector, involving  manufacturing craftsmanship and construction, and the Tertiary sector, the one providing any kind of services. The first group finishing the task got 10 points, the following ones less points according to the time spent. 

    • The second task was find your partner: students got either jobs or their definitions, and  have to ask questions to their classmates in order to  find  the matching one, then decide which sector it was related to. Points were attached according to the time spent by each team in getting all the members matched. 

    • The third one involved Total Physical Response: team members got three jobs each, the same for every team. They had to run  across the yard to ring the bell in case the teacher said a key word related to their job. Again, the team having more right answers and being the faster got more points.   

This was the funniest activity, pity that we were not able to complete it! Anyway, we had a good time!

Dr. Mónica Lanero Taboas

Thanks a million to our fellow teachers Laura Fernández and María José Díaz for their valuable help!


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