Play the game of the Social Contract Theory!
Sharing historical ideas about the citizen’s freedom and security.
Among the absolutist ideas, the enlightened ones, and the anarchism, we have been working in class with the thoughts of four great philosophers: two English thinkers (Hobbes and Locke) and two French thinkers (Rousseau and Camus).
With the help of the web project Existential comics, we introduced these thinkers, starting from the Old Regime, through the Enlightenment and reaching the 20th century. Then, we practised reading skills and writing skills: mind-map design of a small text and the comic strips. Then, in pairs, we compared and contrasted two of the thinkers using a Venn Diagram.
Finally, in the last session, the students practised a role-play in groups of three or four students: they play a role of the figures for each comic strip lines. Moreover, one of them explains the situation at the end of their performance, regarding their knowledge about this period between the last centuries of Early Modern period and the Contemporary age.
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