New Exhibition at the main Hall: Body Image - Self-esteem - self-love - Eating Disorders - Mental Health - asking for HELP

Now that we are back to school for the second term, you may want to pay a visit to the exhibition set in the Hall which displays some samples of the work done during the first term (CROSSCURRICULAR Project work: Literacy, Social Science and Natural Science) on the paramount topic of Mental Health: self-esteem, body image, awareness of the seriousness of eating disorders, self-acceptance, the importance to ask for help, how to face what hurts us in our social networks. All this and much more has been thoroughly researched and data from reliable sources such as the NHS has been gathered and interpreted so as to present it orally to the whole class. Working in groups has been the key as well as distributing the topics among the different working groups. The final product shows a productive process since the response of the students was very well-documented, aware and mature. The activity has been coordinated in the 3rd year of ESO by the science teacher, Victoria Merino Puerto, and our Literacy Adviser Marina Hurtado.

 Putting up the exhibition 

A walk through the exhibition 


OPEN DAY - Get to know us

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SPOTIFY 3rd Graders