Our experience at the Topical Talk Festival 2023, organised by the Economist, funded by the British Council
Compartimos aquí un resumen sobre la participación del alumnado de 3º en el prestigioso torneo de debate internacional organizado por The Economist y financiado para nosotros por el British Council en España puesto que fuimos seleccionados junto con otro centro de secundaria de Murcia como destinatarios de la beca de participación.
Agradecimiento a la coordinadora de la actividad, Marina Hurtado, coordinadora y asesora lingüística del MEFP-British Council Programme durante el presente curso académico en IES Al-Qázeres y a los dos co-docentes especialistas pertenecientes al equipo MEFP-British Council que han trabajado duro, codo con codo, haciendo equipo para integrar los contenidos de los debates en sus materias; hablamos de nuestro especialista en Geography and History, D. Justo Javier Pérez y nuestra especialista en Science, la Dra. Victoria Merino Puerto. Sin la colaboración conjunta de los tres y la buena disposición y entusiasmo del alumnado participante, no podríamos haberlo hecho. No hemos ganado el premio. Ha ganado un centro educativo de Nigeria. al que desde aquí felicitamos de todo corazón por el impecable trabajo realizado y las contribuciones tan enriquecedoras que han aportado al festival y a todas las personas que hemos seguido desde dentro el desarrollo del Festival. Hemos ganado una experiencia, un recuerdo, unas ganas,, unas nuevas perspectivas, hemos ampliado nuestros Horizontes. Tanto desde la materia de literacy como de las materias de Social and Natural Sciences. Os invitamos a disfrutar de la fototogalería para que os hagáis una idea cómo ha supuesto trabajar durante siete intensas semanas dentro del Mefp British C Programme Al-Qázeres en el marco del festival.
This year we have been granted the opportunity to be part of the Topical Talk Debate Contest, organised by The Economist Educational Foundation, and fully funded for us by the British Council. It's been a great experience and here we intend to summarise what the experience has been like with some screenshots of the students opinions, comments and standpoints as well as a photogallery with the most iconic moment we've experience in class.
Firstly what is an AI...*AI:artificial intelligence is a field, which combines computer science and robust datasets, to enable problem-solving.How are AI and the arts connected?Well in the last years this programms are being used for everything, teaching, working, studing, and also doing arts.That had created a few important debates, is an AI an artist? is a work by an AI considered art?...There are two points, the people that think that a work by an artificial intelligence is art because everything that shows feelings, opinions, grudge about an unfair situation expressed by music, colours... can be considered art and an artist.And by the other hand the people that think that an artificial intelligence can't be judged artists. This point is defended by people whose opinion is that only humans can express real feelings and a robot can't do this kind of things.I don't think any of those points, I think that depending on the person someone can think it is beautiful art and other people can think it is a ridiculous paint.For example, I went to a museum (El prado, Madrid) and I saw a paint of Goya, I though 'what a scary painting it's so touching', but my friend though that it was a really ugly paint with no transmiting feelings.I think that is great, everyone have a different opinion about a lot of things and that's why we are here in the Topical Talk Festival, to share our opinions and listens to others completly different to ours.
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