Literature + History + Cinema = the perfect literacy cocktail in our cross-curricular #alqabritish book club PRIDE AND PREJUDICE
The social rules of the 18th century in England blended traditional manners and certain modern airs, but with some differences between the urban bourgeoisie and the rural nobility / gentry.
A proposal for the sessions after watching the film in the Filmoteca de Extremadura in Cáceres, we asked the students to complete a table with some historical topics like dating, role of women, importance of money, manners and importance of family background, not only to compare social classes but also as a means for the students to acknowledge a great change with respect to both the current historical moment and their with their daily life. Some clues were given from the subject of History with our teacher Mr. Justo Javier Pérez and our language adviser, Mrs. Hurtado, while working in a cross-curricular parallel way in the Literacy lessons lead by Mrs. María José Díaz Vidarte and co-taught with Mrs. M. Hurtado.
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