A person walks past a mural of Martin Luther King Jr. during the celebration of MLK Community Service Day in Washington D.C., days ahead of U.S. President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, U.S. January 18, 2021. SOURCE: REUTERS/Brandon Bell
ALL THINGS BLACK HISTORY MONTH: What is Black history Month? Find out here!
Year 4
First Session
Here is a COPY of his speech. Follow along as you listen to Martin Luther King Jr. give his famous speech and try to picture the rich imagery from his words in your head. To listen to the speech, click HERE.
Your Task:
TASK A. Select your favourite phrase or line as your title…THEN illustrate it!
Use color, creativity, design…try to express what that phrase means or why it is so powerful or important.
You may use handcraft creativity or you may make use of technology and digital work (canva, etc.), Both are encouraged.
ASSESSMENT: Be prepared to present and explain it to your teacher and your classmates. A mark will be given for your degree of achievement in different specific competencies: Language comprehension, language production, mediation, plurilingualism and interculturality.
Session Two
TASK B. Follow the instructions given in Google Classroom.
4th graders
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