(alqa)READING "SCIENCE" #readingtolearn


YEAR 1 (7th graders)

Dylan Macías Martínez and Eric Macías Martínez

We choose "The Invencible microbe" because it's a very interesting story.

YEAR 2 (8th graders)

David Molina Pedrosa

How to Fossilize Your Hamster: And Other Amazing Experiments for the Armchair Scientist by Mick O'Hare: Because I think experiments are interesting.

Why Can't Elephants Jump?: And 113 Other Tantalising Science Questions: Because I think questions will be more bearable.

Primates: The Fearless Science of Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas (Primates, 1): Because I think its important to learn about our origins.

Alejandro Molina Pedrosa

I would read the books ``Bomb´´, ``The disappearing spoon´´ and `` The secrets of the universe in 100 symbols´´. They seem interesting!

YEAR 3 (9th graders)

Aitana Sánchez Rosado

-The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements 

-Girl Code: Gaming, Going Viral, and Getting It Done 

-Invincible Microbe: Tuberculosis and the Never-Ending Search for a Cure 

I choose these three books because the first one I think is of mystery and I like the mystery the second one I like the title and I want to learn more about that and the third one I want to learn about the diseases of the world.

Irene Borrego Caballero

The three books I would read from this list would be;

- Almost astronauts: 13 women who dared to dream

- Women in science: 50 fearless pioneers who changed the world

- Primates: the intrepid science of Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey and Biruté Galdikas

The reason why I have chosen these three books is because they all have something in common, they are about women who have fought for their dreams and have changed science and history.

In the first book, 13 women didn't care what people thought of them since normally at NASA you had to be a man. Although in the end they didn´t reach space, they empowered many women to fulfill their dream.

The second book is a great example for many girls and women to do what they want. Thanks to the 50 women who appear in the book who stood out in mathematics, technology, and science, fought for their dreams and did what they wanted.

Finally, the third book, like the previous ones, is about three of the most important women primatologists of the last century: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey and Biruté Galdikas.

Carla Salomé Borrella

Florence Nighingale: The Courageous Life of the Legendary Nurse by Catherine Reef. I think it could be very interesting to read about the full story of her life. She is very inspiring and I would like to read her point of view of the situations she had to go through.

A Black Hole is Not a Hole by Carolyn Cinami Decristofano and Michael Carroll. I always wanted to know more about black holes. I cannot understand how people can actually study such a complex thing.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer. I watched the movie of this book a few years ago and I loved the message behind it. I really want to read this book to be able to compare both formats.

Elia Díaz Merino

My choices would be:

-The Universe in Your Hand: A Journey Through Space, Time, and Beyond 

-Nothing: From absolute zero to cosmic oblivion -- amazing insights into nothingness

-The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope 

-A Black Hole Is Not a Hole

Clara Durán Santillana

My picks would be: 

 1. The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements.

2.Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World

3. Almost Astronauts: 13 Women Who Dared to Dream

María Granado Delgado

If I were to read three of this books, they would be:

1. "The Universe in Your Hand: A Journey Through Space, Time, and Beyond". 

I would choose this book since I think it talks about topics such as the universe, time… And that always seemed very interesting to me. Things outside the world are amazing, there are many things that we don’t know yet. Many times when people talk to me about it, I end up very surprised.

2. "Girl Code: Gaming, Going Viral, and Getting it Done"

According to what I have read in the description of this book, it’s about two girls who make a viral video-game. I'm interested in seeing their process of achieving this and how they shape the world.

3. "Invincible Microbe: Tuberculosis and the Never-Ending Search for a Cure"

I have chosen to read this book to learn about the long history of tuberculosis, a disease that has been a problem for humans for a very long time. I wanted to find out how people have been trying to fight this dangerous illness.

Iria Pacheco Vidarte

- Primates: The Fearless Science of Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas: this would be the first book I would choose. I think this book is really interesting. I have read sybnosis and this book talks about the investigation of three important women. This is really interesting if you like history and women stories.

- Why Can't Elephants Jump?: And 113 Other Tantalising Science Questions: as in the other book I have also read this sybnosis and this book ask us questions wich answer we are going to find them while reading. I think this book is really interesting because it talks about some interesting scientifics thing that may be you don't know.

- Girl Code: Gaming, Going Viral, and Getting It Done: this is the last book that have caught my attention. This story talks about too teenagers who created a new video game. This game became famous and they both too. This book sound really good, but also includes some lessons about technologies that can be applied to real life.

YEAR 4 (10th graders)

Jimena Ceme Paucar
A Black Hole is not a Hole: because I love the universe and to learn more about the space
Why Can't Elephants Jump: I like animals and for me its very interesting that topic.
The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy, A Handbook for Girl Geeks : because, again I also like the galaxy 

Lucas Silveira Congregado
It's crystal clear for me: Primates: The Fearless Science of Jane Goodall, Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World's Most Dangerous Weapon and Why Can't Elephants Jump?: And 113 Other Tantalising Science Questions

Jorge Cuño Fernández
Primates: The Fearless Science of Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas.
I would like to read this book because I love Jane Goodall and I would like to know more women’s like her.
How to Fossilize Your Hamster: And Other Amazing Experiments for the Armchair Scientist. I just love the title and I want to get to know more fascinating experiments.
A Black Hole Is Not a Hole. I am in love with the space and I would like to know more about interesting concepts.

Leire García García
I would like to read 'Almost Astronauts: 13 Women Who Dared to Dream' because I am very interested in women in history since before they weren't given as much importance as they have and I like to read and discover what they could have been. I would love to read too 'The Universe in Your Hand: A Journey Through Space, Time, and Beyond' because since I was little I have been fascinated by the universe and what makes it up, and one of the best ways to learn about something are books. Finally, 'Florence Nightingale: The Courageous Life of the Legendary Nurse' it has caught my attention a lot because everything related to medicine, health, etc., encourages me to investigate and obtain much more knowledge about it, also I would read it because the title it gives me the feeling that it is a mystery book and it is the topic I usually read.

Carlos Vázquez Fernández

I would read the following one: Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World.
I would do so because I love science, and I think I do not know enough about female scientists and their contibutions to science.


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