20th November Observance: Convention on the Rights of the Child 2023


What universal children's rights are identified in the video?

Carla Salomé Borrella

- be equal
- a worthy shelter
- proper nutritious food
- medical attention
- get proper education

Even though all children have the same rights, many of them are not carried out in several countries . 
In some places of Africa, little children starve. In other Arabic countries, women and children do not get the right to receive proper education. There are a good few of examples.
All of these countries are shameless. They take basic rights out of children and that is how those infants grow up. When they become adults, they do not know what rights are and treat others with the very little respect they were raised with. THUG LIFE.

Irene Borrego Caballero
In the video we can see the following universal children's rights:

1. All children have the right to equality even though we are different.
2. We have the right to a worthy home and not to live on the streets.
3. We have the right to feed ourselves.
4. We have the right to be cured by doctors and not to suffer without medicines.
5. We have the right to an education, to go to school and to be able to have a future.

In my opinion, all children should have the same rights depending on where we come from and the thoughts we have. But I don't think it's true that we are all equal, even if we are equal in rights.


Joaquín Merayo Urbano

We have the right to equality, we have the right to a worthy home, and not to live in the streets, we have the right to feed ourselves, the right to be cured by doctors and not to suffer without medicines, We have the right to education, the right to go to school and have a future .

Irene Gordo Vidarte

What universal children's rights are recognised in the video?
1) We have the right to a worthy home and not live on streets.
2)We have the right to feed ourselves.
3)We have the right to be cured by doctors and not to suffer without medicines.
4)We have the right of an education,to go to school to have a future.
We are equal but is this true? I think we are not equal because we don´t have the same opportunities.

Lucas Benito Rodríguez
The right to equality.
The right to a worthy home.
The right to feed ourselves.
The right to be cured by doctors.
The right to education.

Elia Díaz Merino
-Right to equality
-Right to a worthly home
-Right to feed ourselves
-Right to be cured by doctors
-Right to an education 

Clara Durán Santillana

In this video the rights that are actually mentioned are:
We have the right to equality (that means that we are equal even the differences).
We have the right for a worthy home (not living on the streets).
We have the right to feed ourselves (not to starve).
We have the right to be cured by doctors (not to suffer without medicines).
We have the right for an education (for having a good future).

Marcos García Muñoz
-Right to equality
-Right to have a home
-Right to feed ourselves
-Right to be cured by doctors
-Right to education

Iria Pacheco Vidarte
- All children have the right to equality even though we're different.
- We have the right to a worthy home and not to live on the streets.
- We have the right to feed ourselves and not to starv.
- We have the right to be cured by doctors and not to suffer without medicines.
- We have the right to an education, to go to school to be able to have a future.

Amanda Rodríguez Dávila
1.To Equality
2.To a worthy home and not to live on the streets
3.To feed ourselves
4.To be cured by a doctor and not to suffer without medicines
5.To an education

Paola Rodríguez Román
-Have the right to equality even if we are different or not.
-Have the right o worthy home and not to be cured by doctors and not to suffer without medicines.
-Have the right to an education, to go to school, to be able to have a future.
-All children need to have the same rights.

Alejandra Vilanova Sánchez

the right to equality
the right to a worthy home, not to live on the streets.
the right to feed ourselves and not to starve.
the right to be cure by doctors and not to suffer without medicine.
the right to education, to go to school and be able to have a future.

Alejandro Barriga Lozano

-RIght to equality
-Right to a worthy home
-Right to feed ourselves
-Right to be cured by doctors
-Right to an education

Jimena Ceme Paucar
- All children have the right to equality 
- The right to have a worthy home and not to live on the streets
- The right to feed themselves and not to starve
- The right to be cured by doctors and not to suffer without medicines
- The right to an education ,to go to school and to have a future

Jorge Cuño Fernández
1- The right to equality.
2- The right to a worthy home and not to live on the street.
3- The right to have something to eat.
4- The right to be cured by doctors.
5- The right to an education.

Leire García García
The right to: 
- A worthy home and not to live on the streets. 
- Feed ourselves and not to please keep me warm. 
- Be cured by doctors and not to suffer without medicines.
- An education to go to school to be able to have a future. 

Carlos Holguín Corrales
In the video, the rights that they mentioned were:
Right to equality
Right to a worthy home
Right to feed ourselves
Right to be cured by doctors
Right to an education, to go to school and to be able to have a future

Elena Martín Cava
What universal children's rights are recognised in the video? I can recognised these children's rights: 
- Right to equality 
- Right to have a house and not to live on the streets
- Right to feed ourselves 
- Right to be cure by doctors and not to suffer without medicines
- Right to have an education, to go to school to be able to have a future

Vera Muñoz Cava: International Day of Children's Rights.

- All children have the right to equality

- Right to a worthy home, and not to live on the streets.

- Right to feed ourselves.

- Right to be cured by doctors and not to suffer without medicines.

- Right to an education, to go to school and to be able to have a future.

Lucía Polo García
1 Right to equality 
2To a worthy home 
3 Feed ourselves 
4 Cured by doctors
5 An education 

María Irene Prieto González
Rights that are mentioned:
-Right to equality even though we´re different.
-Right to a worthy home and not to live on the streets.
-Right to feed ourselves and not to starve.
-Right to be cured by doctors and not to suffer without medicines.
-Right to an education, to go to school, to be able to have a future .

Laura Rodríguez Planchuelo
Right to: Equality, Worthy home, Feed ourselves, Be cured by doctors, Have an education,

Guillermo Sánchez González
Are mentioned the most important rights of childrens.

Andrea Verdión García
Children have:
-The right of equality
-The right to a Worthy home
-The right to feed ourselves 
-The right to be cured by a doctor
-The right to an education

Carlos Vázquez Fernández

All children must have the right to:
-Have a worthy home
-Have acess to food
-Have acess to medicine
-Having a proper education

Eric Pardo Iglesias

We have the rights to:

-Live in a worthy home

-Feed ourselves

-Be care by doctors

-An education to go to school

All person are equal in rights.💓

Carmen Portilla Villalobos

In the video I recognised this children´s rights:

- To live in a worthy home.

- To feed ourselves.

- To be cured by doctors.

-To an education and to go to school.

Adriana Arias García

The rights that are named in the video are :

We all have the right to have a home and not live on the street, to have food, we also have the right to a doctor's care and to have medicine and also the right to education.

Elisa Durán Santillana

The rights are :

- All the children need a house .

- All the children need to eat all the days .

-All the children need to receive a medical treatment .

-All the children need to receive education from schools .

Dylan Macías Martínez

The right to a worthy home, the right to feed ourselves, the right to be cured by doctors and the right to an education and to go to school, to have a future.

Eric Pardo Iglesias

We have the rights to:

-Live in a worthy home

-Feed ourselves

-Be care by doctors

-An education to go to school

All person are equal in rights.💓

Carmen Portilla Villalobos

In the video I recognised these children´s rights:

- To live in a worthy home.

- To feed ourselves.

- To be cured by doctors.

-To an education and to go to school.

Élsabet Corral Borrella

The rights are to feed ourselves, to a worthy home, to be cured, to an education, to go to school and to be able to have a future.

Javier Galán Durán

right to equality, right to a home, right to food, right to health and right to education

Jimena Granado Alcántara

The most important right that are actually mentionen are: the right to health, education, family life, play and recreation.

The rights that are recognised in the video are:

-the right to a worthy home and not to live on the streets.

-the right to feed ourselves.

-the right to be cured by doctors and not to suffer without medicines.

-the right to an education and to go to school.

Alejandro Maestre Díez

right to equality, to a home,  to feed themselves, to be cured by a doctor, to have a education.

Alejandro Molina Pedrosa

-Have a home.


-Healthy and medicines.


David Molina Pedrosa


Ignacio Manuel Torres Manzano

To equality, to a worthy home, to feed oursevels, to be cured by doctors and to education.


  1. -Have a home
    -Can be cure


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