Silencio. Se (re)lee.
Nos ponemos lo más cómodos y cómodas posible dentro de la rigidez que ofrece el aula como espacio lector.
Una vez leído el capítulo, vamos a comenzar una mediación escrita en la que nuestro alumnado tiene que explicar al resto de la clase lo que ha sucedido en el capítulo que le hemos asignado.
What is mediation, then?
Mediation refers to performing the role of a mediator in helping others understand a concept. This process involves using various tools since mediation can occur through explanations, visual aids, contextual examples, or even technology, assisting peers in comprehending and applying new concepts effectively.
In this case, our mediation activity aims to facilitate language acquisition by guiding our students through the complexities of the vocabulary and structures in a given chapter of our #alqareading book club The Hate U Give. Hence, communication skills are strengthened.
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