#alqareading How Books Can Change Lives: Angie Thomas Interview. Listening Comprehension: The Hate U Give
Watch the video and then, answer the following questions in your notebook/portfolio (Book Club section):
The Hate You Give Video Interview Questions
1. What are Angie's big THREE inspirations”?
2. WHAT ROLES does Angie believe books play in the world?
3. What are Angie's favourite MOVIE SCENES?
4. Which book does Angie mention that has inspired her, and made her feel like she could change the world?
5. What are Angie''s favourite REACTIONS she gets when meeting her fans?
6. Did the movie producers LISTEN TO Angie's opinions?
7. What was the name of the movie producer who kept Angie IN THE LOOP?
8. Angie mentions she STOLE the name Maverick from another book character,
which book was it?
9. Which THREE books does Angie RECOMMEND you read after finishing The Hate U
10. Which TWO MOVIES does Angie recommend you watch after watching The Hate
U Give?
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