LISTENING COMPREHENSION: THE HATE U GIVE - First 10 Minutes From The Movie (2018) #AlQaReading



Reading Comprehension Questions

1. What does the phrase "Our life is here because our people are here" mean to you?

2. In the trailer Starr mentions 4 places to describe Garden Heights, the BBQ restaurant, barber shop, Wal-Mart, and her father’s grocery store- Carter. If you were to describe Cáceres (or wherever you from) what FOUR DIFFERENT places would you mention?

3. Have you ever been put in an environment where you felt like you didn't belong?
Did you act or behave differently? If yes, did you feel guilty afterwards? Why or why not?

4. After watching the trailer name THREE DIFFERENT adjectives to describe Starr's personality traits.

5. Name THREE DIFFERENT adjectives to describe Starr's father Big Mav and his personality traits.

6. How do you think Starr feels inside when her Williamson friends pretend to be black? (Name THREE DIFFERENT emotions).

7. What does the "started from the bottom now we are here" mean to you?

Give me TWO DIFFERENT real life examples of what it means to start from the bottom?


by our former student Paula Bote Andrada

1. What does the phrase "Our life is here because our people are here" mean to you?
It means that, even if Garden Heights is dangerous, they live there because the people they have always known are there; because it is the place where the people who go through the same struggles as them live and are an important part of their lives because they support, love and mutually help each other.

2. In the trailer Starr mentions 4 places to describe Garden Heights, the BBQ restaurant, barber shop, Wal-Mart, and her father’s grocery store- Carter. If you were to describe Cáceres (or wherever you from) what FOUR DIFFERENT places would you mention?
If I were to describe Cáceres I would mention the Old Town, the Parque del Príncipe, the Mountain and the Paseo de Cánovas.

3. Have you ever been put in an environment where you felt like you didn't belong?
Did you act or behave differently? If yes, did you feel guilty afterwards? Why or why not?
I have been put in an environment where I felt like I didn’t belong many times. Those times, I have tried to shape my personality so that I fit in more with those in the group, since sometimes I’d rather try to talk to people and not be 100% my true self than being alone. Those times, my social battery runned out quicker than usual, I got tired of being outdoors faster and I felt a little bit guilty afterwards. But changing or exaggerating parts of one’s personality is something that most people do when they are around others, even if it’s just a little bit and it’s something that, sadly, you don’t really have much control over because there are pre-existing social rules and conventions that we feel the unconscious need to follow. Of course, there is people in your life like your friends or your family with whom you don’t need to pretend to like something you don’t or to pretend that you have a certain sense of humor that maybe is not the one you like the most, but these are thing we do because us humans, as social beings, have the necessity of feeling like we are part of a bigger group.

4. After watching the trailer name THREE DIFFERENT adjectives to describe Starr's personality traits.
Smart, strong and caring

5. Name THREE DIFFERENT adjectives to describe Starr's father Big Mav and his personality traits.
Hard-working, protective and resilient

6. How do you think Starr feels inside when her Williamson friends pretend to be black? (Name THREE DIFFERENT emotions).
Angry, disappointed, frustrated.

7. What does the "started from the bottom now we are here" mean to you? Give me TWO DIFFERENT real life examples of what it means to start from the bottom
It means that, even if the Carters used to have a really hard life with problems in their economy and with justice, they worked their way up to the top; they put in a lot of effort to improve their situation and they overcame those circumstances. Overall, someone that starts at the bottom, is a person who, after having lived under unprivileged circumstances all of their lives, they end up succeeding in what they do and they ascend socially and economically.

An example of this is rapper and lyricist Kendrick Lamar, who had lived in Compton, California for most of his life; a marginalized poor community. He lived in a violent environment and started writing lyrics as a teenager to cope with his trauma and depression. With the years, he’s ended up making it as one of the best rappers of this generation. 

Another example of this is Steve Jobs, who founded Apple as a college drop out in the year 1976 in his garage along with two other friends and ended up becoming one of the most successful people in the world.


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