New Book Recommendations: Pride and Prejudice, Moxie, Wonder, James and the Giant Peach and many more #alqareading

Year 1

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Year 2

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Can you guess the book Iván Salcedo chose?

Alejandro is enjoying Wonder!

Year 4

Elena and Lucía are big enthusiasts of "Moxie".

What a sweet revival of our #alqareading book club from last year! ThanK you, Jorge for this awesome review! We now feel homesick somehow!

As Marina Elviro says, Moxie was about feminism, which she liked a lot but the book doesn’t address only this subject:

I am enjoying this book a lot as it shows the cruel reality of any unfair situation, and how it isn't solve in an easy way. Actually, it can be horrible because Vivian, our main character, tries to fight against the sexist system in her school.

At the beginning not a lot of girls followed her movement, but little by little more and more women joined Vivian’s movement.

I also liked this book because it’s so real about the different characters, how her friend can’t support her and how her boyfriend doesn't understand it at all, also I love Lucy as she never agrees with the imposed system.

I think this book is also so cute in terms of love, not only about partners but between friends, mother-daughter etc.

In conclusion I think you should read this book as it is very manageable, and for non-English speakers it’s  easy to understand. Also speaks about a very important subject, so what are you waiting for to read this book?

Vera is into self-help books by Jorge Bucay


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