Project progress on Wonder: Comparing "Wonder": Book vs. Film #CO-Teaching #alqareading

Throughout the development of this #alqareading book club this academic year, Universal Design for Learning Principles have been addressed, such as:

  • Multiple Means of Representation: Providing information in various formats.
  • Multiple Means of Action and Expression: Allowing our students to demonstrate their knowledge/impressions in different ways.
  • Multiple Means of Engagement: Tapping into our students' interests and offering choices to sustain motivation.

We have a analysed, for instance, the list of characters and we have allowed our students to choose to create character maps, or write character diaries, or produce digital character profiles using apps like Padlet or Canva, following again the UDL principles.

In addition, in this #alqareading bookclub we have identified and discussed key themes such as kindness, acceptance, and bullying by means of graphic organizers to compare how these themes are presented in the book and the film.

These days we're reaching the end of this #alqareading bookclub this year. Now it's time to design the final product. 

Final Project Title: Comparing "Wonder": Book vs. Film

The main objective of the project development of the last few weeks has been to analyse and compare the book "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio with its film adaptation, considering themes, characters, and narrative techniques. The project will be designed following the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to ensure it is accessible and engaging for all students.

Duration: 3 Sessions

Session 1: Introduction and Context Activities:

1. Reading and Listening/Watching

We have already finished reading "Wonder" in class or at home. Let's go back to the beginning of the book again, focusing on the first few chapters! 

Also, we have already watched the full film in the Filmoteca de Extremadura. Now, our students will watch the trailer and the opening scenes of the film adaptation.


Before starting to read the book, we worked on a cross-curricular project in Science by researching the rare syndrome the protagonist of Wonder suffers, the Treacher Collins Syndrome.

Sample by Jimena Muvilla

2. Speaking: Discussion and Brainstorming

We have already discussed our initial impressions of the book and film.


Session 2: A Deep Dive into Characters and Themes. Comparing and Contrasting the Book with the Film. 

1. Character Analysis Activities: The students had to compare how characters are portrayed in the book vs. In the film (with a special focus on Auggie, Via, Jack, and Julian).

2. Theme Exploration Activities:

In this #alqareading bookclub we have identified and discussed key themes such as kindness, acceptance, and bullying by means of graphic organisers to compare how these themes are presented in the book and the film.


Session 3: Narrative Techniques and Emotional Impact

1. Narrative Techniques Activities:

We have already analysed the narrative techniques used in the book (e.g., first-person perspective, multiple viewpoints) and how these are adapted in the film. This has helped to teach some key grammar points. 

The students have now all the information to eventually create their Final Project Product, which will make use of UDL: We are now at a final stage where we allow our students to create visual storyboards, write comparative essays, record a podcast or develop a multimedia presentation using tools like PowerPoint, Canva, Prezzi, Genially or Google Slides.

2. Towards the final products: UDL Engagement when Creating the Final Product

   - The students must choose how they want to present their comparison of "Wonder" (e.g., video review, podcast, essay, digital infographic, or live presentation).

   - UDL Action and Expression: Offering a variety of tools and platforms for students to create their final product, ensuring accessibility features are available.

Session 4: Final Project Presentation

We have organised for our co-teaching lesson a showcase event where our students will present their projects to the class.


Alejandro Maestre and Víctor Black Acosta

Assessment of the Final Product

- Ongoing formative assessment through participation in discussions and activities.

- Rubric-based evaluation of the final project, considering content, creativity, and presentation.

- Self and peer assessment to encourage reflection and constructive feedback.

METACOGNITION: we have created a KWL chart (Know, Want to know, Learnt) about Auggie's story and themes to be used at the end of the sessions.

Outcome of the Wider Framing Project: #AlQaReading Book Club on Wonder

All in all, we have encouraged our students to express their thoughts through different mediums such as art, music, or digital storytelling. We have supported an engaging Universal Design for Learning Approach by creating an inclusive and supportive environment, by allowing our students to choose the format they are most comfortable with for their presentations.

By the end of the bigger framework, that is the #alqareading project on Wonder, our students will have developed a deeper understanding of the narrative and thematic elements of "Wonder" in both its book and film forms. They will have enhanced their analytical, creative, and presentation skills while working in an inclusive, supportive learning environment.


- We have used copies of "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio in various formats (different editions, hardcover, ebook and pocket editions).

- Access to the film "Wonder" at the Filmoteca de Extremadura. 

- Digital tools and apps for creating and presenting projects (e.g., Canva, Padlet, Google Slides).

- Graphic organisers and templates for character analysis and theme exploration.


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