INTRODUCING THE GLOBAL GOALS #Co-Teaching #LearningSituation

OBJECTIVE: Our students will become campaigners for one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and create a campaign flyer, as if they were the President of their country, advocating for actions to achieve the assigned goal by analysing the global problems previously brainstormed in class.

MATERIALS:  Videos from "The World's Biggest Lesson" to reinforce knowledge about the SDGs.


In this video, Malala Yousafzai (activist for Global Goal 4: Quality Education) introduces the World’s Largest Lesson.


Emma Watson invites children to get involved in the Global Goals – by inventing, innovating and campaigning.


This video encourages students to think about what they feel most passionate, and shows how small actions can create a chain reaction leading to BIG impact.


‘What are the biggest problems faced by people around the world today?’

Problems we will be working with

  • • Poverty
  • • Inequality between countries
  • • Hunger
  • • Poor health and disease
  • • Dirty water
  • • Lack of sanitation
  • • Poor education – some children can’t go to school
  • • Low-paying and not enough jobs
  • • Low economic growth – countries do not earn enough money to pay for everything their people need
  • • Gender inequality – men and women are treated differently and not given the same opportunities
  • • War, fighting and instability
  • • People don’t feel safe
  • • Violence between people
  • • Corruption and injustice
  • • No respect for human rights
  • • Countries never work together or agree on anything
  • • Not enough energy for everyone to live comfortably
  • • Weak infrastructures, poor technology and communications
  • • Un-safe towns and cities
  • • Unsustainable cities that consume more than the world can produce
  • • There’s too much wastage of resources and not enough recycling
  • • Climate change
  • • Polluted seas and oceans
  • • Damaged habitats
  • • We have limited access to technology and expensive mobile phones and computers
  • • People don’t feel they are protected properly
  • • Population growth
  • • Racism
  • • Breakdown of communities

SDGs we will be working with:


In pairs, you will brainstorm what goals are related to your assigned problems. Each pair will identify all the potential solutions related to their problems and connect them to the sustainable goals.

MAIN TASK: Creating a Campaign Flyer

INSTRUCTIONS:  Imagine you are the President of Spain. Your responsibility is to convince people to take action towards achieving your assigned Sustainable Development Goal. To do this, you will create a flyer for a national campaign, designed to inform and inspire the public to support the goal.

  1. First, share your problems. Then, Each group will decide on what SDGs are related/connected to the problems (EXAMPLES: Goal 1: No Poverty, Goal 13: Climate Action, etc.).
  2. The flyer should have a clear and attention-grabbing title related to your SPECIFIC SDGs (EXAMPLES: "End Hunger by 2030" or "Clean Water for All").
  3. Now let's Call to Action: A strong message encouraging Spanish citizens to support your campaign. What can individuals do to help? Include specific actions people can take (EXAMPLE: reducing waste, volunteering, or voting for green policies).
  4. Don't forget to include a SLOGAN: Create a catchy slogan that embodies the essence of the campaign and motivates action.
  5. MAKE USE OF VISUALS: Include relevant visuals (icons, symbols, or illustrations) that align with the SDG and the campaign message.

You can have a look at a SAMPLE of what you are required to do HERE.


Present your final product to the whole class. When presenting your Campaign Flyer,

  1. Step 1: In pairs, students will research, write, and design their flyers.  
  2. Step 2: Each pair will present their flyer to the class, explaining their goal, their key messages, and why it matters.  
  3. Step 3: The class will engage in a discussion and vote on the most persuasive campaign flyer.
SDG Explanation: Include a brief, clear explanation of the SDG, why it matters, and what the goal seeks to achieve.

It's your time. The floor is yours, Mr. and Ms. President


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SPOTIFY 3rd Graders