Syria: a turning point?
In December 2024, after over 50 years of rule by the Assad family, Syrian rebel groups took control of the country. Many Syrians celebrated in the streets, hopeful for a new beginning after years of war. But what will happen next? Will this be a turning point for Syria and its people? And what new challenges lie ahead?
This lesson develops the following skills and knowledge:
Problem solving
- Step 1: I complete tasks by following instructions
- Step 3: I complete tasks by finding information I need myself
- Step 12: I create solutions for complex problems by evaluating the positive and negative effects of a range of options.
- I know about the history of Syria and can explain how the country might change after the fall of the Assad regime.
Introductory Video by "Save the Children": Just because it isn't happening here, it doesn't mean it isn't happening at all.
How did the two sessions on the topic unfold?
Development of Session 1 on the topic
Development of Session 2 on the topic
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