Reworking the concept of "Community" (Literacy, ESO4)

 What is Community for you?

As a means of brainstorming some ideas, our current ESO4 literacy students have been working on the CONCEPT OF COMMUNITY that was built last academic year by our former ESO4 Students who are now in the first year of Bachillerato.

For the activity we analysed last year's students' views and built our own's. Here are some results:

Julen Román Cobos

Inés Grande Barras
For me, community is your environment, the people especially. People who you met daily, who you speak to everyday. There are different types of communities, your family, the school, in a neighbourhood, for basically anything, and those persons have not to be people you love, just people which yo spend time with a lot of hours in a week.
I think that you can help in your community in many ways, for example: -Being kind to others, when someone speaks nicely to you normally you are better and with a different mood that if they're always judging you.
-Be organised and don't pollute. Don't letting trash or picking up the things someone's left helps to keep the space you are in clean and your mind finds easier to work in a more organised and clean space.
-Try to help, even if they don't need it. It's nice to you know that you have people who can help you, in the school community, or in the job.


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